An Irishman & Englishwoman Walk In To A Bar...
So - it’s just a regular Family Get Together in Ireland, and I ask one of the Aunts how things are - I know she has had several...
That BIG TED moment
Rebecca had mentioned last year that they were keen to have someone give a talk on 'A Good Death' or something similar, when TEDx came to...
Outside The Box
A few years' ago, we went to Oxfords' 'Kicking The Bucket Festival' - A wonderfully named 'Festival of Living and Dying'. It was held in...
Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute?
Over the years I have heard a lot of people say that children don't understand. Elke Barber delivers a hard hitting fact - they do. At a...
A Visit to Antonia Rolls - Artist & Defender of Bognor Regis
Antonia extolled the virtues of the Seaside town as I marvelled at her colourful and arty home. Spotty cups, painted dressers, mobiles, a...