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Outside The Box

A few years' ago, we went to Oxfords' 'Kicking The Bucket Festival' - A wonderfully named 'Festival of Living and Dying'. It was held in various venues around the city and hosted everything from a Day of The Dead Cellidh, to Death Chat Cafes,Lectures,Debates,Plays and Making an Altar. There was something for everyone of every age. The Director is Liz Rothschild - who runs a Woodland Burial Ground, and we later found out she has a background as an artist and performer. We arranged to meet Liz, in her lovely Farnhouse, to chat over how she manages the Festival and pick up a few tips for going about 'Dead Good Days'.

Liz was everything we wanted her to be! Energetic, knowledgeable,funny and with a passion for what she does. So we have followed her - To Bromyard in fact, where we we saw her One Woman Show 'Outside The Box' and this comment sums it up well:

'Funny, wise and taboo busting; Outside The Box confronts the ‘Elephant in the room’ with grace and humour, asking its audience to embrace mortality and look on the bright side of life, with a weave of untold and surprising stories, a hint of history and some pithy commentary on the funeral industry (from one who knows!).'

So - we were quite excited when she said she would come and perform in Southampton.

Even more excited to now announce that we have the venue - Countess Mountbatten House is the local Pallaiative Care Unit / Hospice for Southampton / Gosport / Winchester , based in West End (Old Moorgreen Hospital site) and she will be there on the eveing of Tuesday October 23rd,

It's open to anyone, and we will keep ticket costs down. Full details on our website soon.

Pallaitive Care Consultant, Dr Andrew Jenks, will join her afterwards in a Q&A session.

We promise you that you will learn something, and you might also be tempted to follow Liz!

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