Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute?
Over the years I have heard a lot of people say that children don't understand. Elke Barber delivers a hard hitting fact - they do. At a lost for Resources after her husband died, with her 3 year old son at his side, she decided to change this.- His inquistive little mind came up with every question you can imagine, and she answered them as honestly as she could. Elke's Tedex talk is brilliant and I think everyone should watch it, all the way through. I went straight on to order her books and read 'What Happened to Daddy's Body?' based on those real life quetions. Lovely. ..interesting she had so much trouble getting shops to stock -it because it wasn't a very nice subject and who would want to buy it? The overwhelming reaction from parents who bought it for their own children - and the tender photo of another little boy hugging his book 'Will Daddy Be ack In a Minute' as he fell asleep, suddenly having something he could relate to.
Make a cuppa, have a hanky handy, and watch. Thank You So Much for this Elke.
At our 'DEad Good Day' on November 10th, we will have local Childrens' Bereavement Charity 'Simon Says' and Jane Askham from Oakhaven Hospices' 'Schools Acorn Project' with us, for you to chat to about including children