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A Visit to Antonia Rolls - Artist & Defender of Bognor Regis

Antonia extolled the virtues of the Seaside town as I marvelled at her colourful and arty home. Spotty cups, painted dressers, mobiles, a real size baby cow in the hall,cheeky pieces of her own artwork on the walls, her collection of teapots,lime green towels,African fabrics,warm rugs,photos of people in her life who are precious - some alive and many now dead.Chatting over lunch and tea, we exchanged stories about our relationship with death and dying - hers as a Soul Midwife and artist, mine as a nurse.We had a lot to say, and thought we may make a Podcast one day, but called it 'Codpiece' by mistake - think we'll stick to that!

We're happy to confirm that she will bring her exhibition to a DEAD GOOD DAY OUT.

'A GRACEFUL DEATH is a powerful,loving and life affirming exhibition of portraits of, and interviews with, people facing the end of their life.'

Southampton will follow on from the weekend before, when she will be with it in Chichester

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